Watching Porn Will Destroy You—former porn star Jennifer Lynn Case

7 12 2015

Jenni, thank you so much for allowing me to interview you.

You’re very welcome, anything I can do to help, it’s my pleasure.

How long have you been out of the porn industry now?

I officially left the entire sex industry about 3 years ago after coming to Christ and finding Shelley Lubben and the Pink Cross Foundation but I stopped actively doing porn in my late 20’s when I got married and had my son. I didn’t spend too much time doing porn but I used my porn title to sell myself more in other areas and it worked. I used my porn experience to promote myself as a dancer, a prostitute, etc.

Yes, because when you are in the porn industry, the clubs will promote you as a “feature dancer,” and you can get more money that way.

Exactly!! I was only 20 when I moved to Hollywood to get into mainstream porn.

How old were you when you first started in the porn industry, and how long were you in for?

I was very young only barely 18 years old when I started doing porn and I would say I did it off and on for about 10 years. I really didn’t know how to take care of myself and it seemed to be an easy way to survive. I would say that I was in the sex industry for about 15 years. They love to prey on young girls who need money. They are very easy to take advantage of.

Approximately how many movies did you make?

I probably made about 20 movies not very many at all.

Would you mind describing how you got into porn? I know that no porn performer wakes up one day and randomly decides to get into porn. There is always something leading up to it. Can you just lay out for us the events leading up to your decision to enter the porn industry?

I started out by doing other things first like dancing in a nude bar, doing bachelor parties, and escorting. I needed the money and hadn’t finished school, and was living on my own at that point. I started living that sex industry lifestyle so eventually someone suggested that I do porn and it sounded like it paid really well and it was legal so I decided to contact a local agent who got me started. The agent got me a scene in a cheap hotel in Denver and that’s how it all started. I had no idea what I was getting myself into at the time.

What do you remember the most about that first experience? Was it very traumatic for you?

That first experience was odd. I was bothered by the fact that my agent used forged documents that showed I had been tested for HIV and other STDs. I had never been tested. I also remember the porn star I was supposed to work with that day was there but she couldn’t do anything because of her health. Her insides were so damaged from porn. I thought it was going to be me and a woman – less threatening right? But these 2 guys joined in and I didn’t think they were going to do that I was supposed to act like it was NOT my first film ever but I think they could tell I was new. There were lots of red flags in the beginning.

What about your childhood? I know a lot of girls in the industry have backgrounds of sexual abuse, rape, neglect, or some sort of trauma. Do you think any of the events in your childhood made you more susceptible to the idea of getting into porn?

I definitely think my childhood played a big part in me getting into porn, etc. My dad was never around much and my parents divorced when I was about 8. At 14 I ran away from home and eventually became a ward of the state and remained in and out of foster homes, group homes, institutions, and other places until I was 17. I ran away alot and spent time on the streets where it was easy for me to get into trouble and my life was never stable after that. I was also exposed to porn at a very young age and saw porn magazines many times as a child. I think alot of things things from my childhood set me up for a nice, long career in the sex industry.

You mention your dad not being around. I know that’s the case for most porn actresses. I know it was for me. What would you say your emotional state was like during your porn career?

It’s actually hard to remember a lot of what happened since I have blocked most of it out. I think emotionally I was basically “not there” and I numbed myself with pot and alcohol and other things so I didn’t have to deal with my raw feelings. I found myself depressed and lonely quite a bit and my behavior was erratic and very self-destructive. I look back now and see there was alot of anger and bitterness there as well. I was a real mess.

For a lot of us, drugs was a huge part of how we coped with being in that lifestyle. How did you cope mentally and emotionally with being in the porn industry?

I think it was all about numbing myself and finding any way to escape or “check out”. My drug of choice was mostly pot for many years but I got to be a pretty big drinker when I turned 21 while working in a topless bar. I also realized later on that sex was a drug for me as well and slept around alot even when I wasn’t working. The marijuana mixed with liquor and sex were a bad combination and left me feeling more empty, lonely and depressed afterwords. As a woman in that lifestyle, you find you never have to pay for drugs or alcohol etc. because someone was always there to provide those things for me. One thing I remember was trying to separate the real me from the porn star me. I became two people and turned it on and off when needed. My other personality “Veronica” was just a fake front to cover up and to protect the real me so I could get my job done. Veronica was very social and outgoing and bold, The real me, Jenni, not so much haha.

Jenni, a lot of people who watch porn believe that the women love what they are doing, and are simply acting out their fantasies. Is this REALLY the truth?

This is NOT the truth about porn, it is a lie. The women living that lie do not love it and if they say they love it, it’s a way they lie to themselves to make it seem better. When I did porn, I wanted it to be over as quickly as possible and it was all about the money for me. I thought I did what I had to do to survive at the moment. My fantasies usually consisted of living a normal life, I fantasized about what life would be like if I wasn’t stuck in that nightmare. When you watch porn, you are watching a lie that is made to destroy you.

Amen to that!!! When you were in porn, what was your opinion of the guys who watched porn – or even men in general?

I grew to hate men in general and had no respect for men who watched porn. I thought men were perverts and just wanted one thing from women period and they treated women horribly. I think of men differently now. I see them as victims of the porn industry as well. I know that men want what women want too, not sex but love. We all want love. We all have a void to fill but some people try to do that with porn. Some men pay a price for porn addiction by losing their families and jobs. It is so sad and tragic to me that porn destroys the people who make it and also the people to view it. That is clear to me now.

Ya, but when you are in the porn industry, you don’t really see it that way, do you? You basically don’t care about yourself or anyone else.

Totally. You don’t have any respect for yourself or the person you’re with. It’s all about money, and getting what you can from the other person. It’s all about survival. You go into the industry not caring about yourself, and the longer you stay in, the less you care about yourself.

I know I actually hated myself by the time I left. What was the breaking point for you? When did you decide that you finally had to break free from all of that?

It was not just one thing really that made me quit. Many things happened at once and I became severely broken. I was in and out of the sex industry for many years. I tried to get out many times before but I would always need the money and I didn’t know what else to do so I would go back to it. I finally hit bottom a few years ago. I lost everything and things were not going well anymore. I had enough of selling my body and soul and couldn’t take any of it anymore. I just gave up and didn’t know how I would survive, but I had no soul left to sell period. I was dead inside there was only one way to go and that was up. This was the lowest point in my life. I had a son at this point and wasn’t going to let it ruin his life as well. If I had not been a mother, I may be dead. I think part of my motivation was wanting to be a good mother to him.

So, by this time, you pretty much determined to leave because you couldn’t take it anymore, but were there any fears?

It was very hard at first but it felt really good to just finally let go and be free from all of it. My only fear was being able to survive without the money. The money kept me hooked. I was worried how I could take care of myself and my child. But I decided I would rather be homeless than ever sell my self again. Once you let go of the money, it’s much easier to get out.

We both know that a lot of girls in the industry suffer from mental illness. I know that I myself suffered from serious depression, even after leaving the industry. How would you say your mental condition was upon leaving the porn industry?

I know now that after years of living that life, I was traumatized by it. It was like enduring many years of oppression and abuse of all kinds. When I left and got rid of the drugs, etc., my emotions were raw for the first time in years. Over the years, I suffered from depression and anxiety among many other problems and had to have counseling and take medication. Anyone who enters into that and already has mental illness, it will only make it worse.

What about physical problems?

Over the years, I mostly had to deal with STDs. I had so many different infections all of the time. I left Hollywood because I became so ill from Chlamydia. My abdomen hurt so much that I had to come back home. My insides had been so abused, that at one point, a doctor at Planned Parenthood brought a group of interns in to look at my damaged cervix! I knew that “business” was taking a toll on my body and it also ages you quickly.

How did you personally recover from your time in porn? Was it extremely difficult?

I feel like the only way I could recover from that is with God in my life. God gives me hope that I didn’t have before. The past few years have been hard but so worth it. Things that helped me have been constant support from others, prayer, God’s word, and lots of love. The most difficult things have been trying to break old habits and trying to have a “real job”. It’s all about learning to live a new way, a better way. I think my recovery is an ongoing thing and it takes alot of time. I was in for many years and there was alot of damage done. I know alot more about porn now than I ever did when I was doing it.

Do you feel that Christ had a significant part in your recovery?

I know Jesus was the only way I could get out and stay out for good! For once, I had hope. Jesus saved my life. His love is amazing and I had never experienced love like that before. It was so intense that it hurt sometimes. My mind is being renewed daily by Him. All of the lies that ruled my life are being replaced with the truth, God’s word. I had realized that God was my father and would take care of me. He started to fix things in me that were broken. I become stronger in my faith every day. I don’t think He is done yet. he is still working on me. I think I am a better mother now because of all of this too. I would not have done any of this if were not for my little boy. I want him to know the truth about porn and treat women with respect.

What about recovery? Do you feel like the hardest part is over, or do you still have a lot of healing to do?

I do think the hardest part is over but I still have healing to do and it will probably take the rest of my life. I have learned how to live a new way and I have been learning how God works. One of the most healing things for me is to help others affected by porn. Reaching out to others helps me heal. God’s love fills that void now. I told myself when I was trapped in porn, that if I ever got out (which I thought I never would) that I would try to help women out of that world. There was no help for women like me. I am passionate about it.

So, what do you see for yourself in the future? I know that you volunteer with the Pink Cross Foundation and reach out to other girls. Do you see yourself continuing down that path?

I definitely think that’s where God wants me, going back into that nightmare to help save people from it. When I see some of those girls, I see me at 18. There was no such thing as The Pink Cross when I did porn. I know that porn is a major problem and it seems not much is being done about it. I love The Pink Cross Foundation and will continue to work with them. There is a certain way to handle the porn issue and educating and informing everyone makes a difference. I also plan on moving from Colorado to California to help with the cause.

That is awesome, Jenni. If you could say one thing to the men who are reading this right now, what would that be?

Men, GOD LOVES YOU! I love you too and I will always pray for all of you, for the chains to be broken. You are a porn slave much as much any porn star. If you are viewing porn or addicted to porn, you are trying to fill a void inside of you that only God can fill. Whenever you look at porn, you are making the void bigger, and you will destroy your life. It evil it is a drug and it is poison and a lie. If you think you can keep it in the dark, God will bring it out into the light to stop you and heal you. These women are precious and deserve to be loved just as much as you do. There is a real person on the other side of the images you are seeing, and you are destroying her life and the lives of her children. Every porno has somebody’s daughter in it. What if it were your little girl? You may actually be assisting in someone’s death! Male and female porn actors die all of the time from AIDS, drug overdoses, suicides, etc. Please stop looking at porn.

[Editor’s note:] If you need help to beat pornography addiction, please read: The Porn Circuit. click You will learn how to overcome with its assistance.

*First published on the website

Jenni blogs at



91 responses

6 11 2021
Chibugo Michael Okonkwo

May the good Lord continue to multiple His Grace upon you Jenni and may His Favor keep you walking in His Presence all your life. Amen. Congratulations to you beloved Sister. I pray for an abundant Grace to overcome it.


10 11 2019

I really love this story, am a victim😭😭


14 04 2016
Akinhanmi Olugbenga Morakinyo

Indescribebable & Complete disgrace to the Creator. Regret to Adam & Eve.


31 03 2016
Rocky Contreras

Hey, I’m a porn addict and need help to stop. I’m in a Christian based program but that hasn’t stopped me completely. Can you suggest some help for me?

Liked by 1 person

1 04 2016

Hi, Rocky Contreras, glad to help you, here is a website with plenty of ebookdownloads that will help you. Download and read>
Download them all and read them one at a time. By the time you are
through you will have more weapons stamp out porn in your life..


5 12 2015

It is true we must not see porn its not good to us not a little god loves us all soo the is no need for u to hustle n play porn so that u can earn a living god will provide


30 11 2015

yes porn can destroy you that why young mother’s are advised to take a close watch on there kids.please help by doing same

Liked by 1 person

25 11 2015

wow what ah testimony Jesus is alive …jenni thanks

Liked by 1 person

14 11 2015

i was shocked with this wonderful testmony waoo! a pirn star turn into christ follower no man but jesus!

Liked by 1 person

15 10 2015
Johnnie karim

Thanks Jenni for emerging victorious from that vice. God has moulded you into a new creation and may you continue with the good work of rescuing those stuck from the vice.

Liked by 1 person

15 10 2015

Hi, Johnnie Karim, thanks for writing in. Jenni is a hero because in spite of all that she went through, she is willing to forgive men, even love them. Her story is helping many girls break the yoke around their necks.


10 10 2015

thax for sharing ur story with us and I learn many things on ur story
and the biggest thing is that u hv Jesus and He is more than a father and sure in him there is victory


20 09 2015



20 09 2015

Hi, DHLAKAMA, it is very important that you keep kids from seeing those images. Could damage them for life and moreover, it’s against the law. So get rid of it even it means formatting the hard drive.


5 09 2015

This was beautiful and very inspiring. I really respect her struggle and her strength to triumph the challenges thrown at her despite the difficulty.


31 08 2015



16 10 2019

The Bible says seek the kindom of first and He shall guarantee you your hearts’ was her desire to leave silly nd wicked life nd hav a respecteble nd righteous family, and she has just succided in Jesus name.On th other hand,She is now a new creation in Jesus,for olfactory things has past away,the new has come.On the other Hand wen God is involved in something He does things has he pleases


31 08 2015



11 08 2015

good advice

Liked by 1 person

1 08 2015

God hate lesbianism gaism and premarital sex, the devil is using our government to see nothing bad in it such that they give full support for those engaged in it.. its a trap for our souls.. FLEE YOUTHFUL LUST.. FLEE is the elder brother of run.. the devil wants to kill souls steal souls and to destroy souls, ask urself this question” is the devil having a good time over ma life?” GOD REALLY CARES

Liked by 1 person

22 07 2015

is porno star can live long life?

Liked by 1 person

22 07 2015

Hi, that a very important question and I am glad you asked. No the statistics show that they die very quickly of STDs and manic depression


19 06 2015

I don’t even like a porn star ..yes I do watch it 2-3 times friend show me ….now I don’t even trust my girlfriend …


14 06 2015
Dominic Bonsu

praise be to God for the deliverance He has given u .that is my heart desire to get such people saved


14 06 2015

thankyou jenni I love you porn has ravaged my soul for too long god is the only way out


14 06 2015

thank you so much jenni porn has almost destroyed my soul the only way out is thru god just reading that you love and will pray for me made me break down in tears because no one ever tells me that god bless you and your family


14 06 2015

Hi, Johnston599, thanks for your honesty, Jenni prays for you with all her heart that you may be the man that God created you to be, and no longer a slave to cheap rottenness. May God bless you


15 06 2015

thanks so much just knowing someone cares gives me hope


12 06 2015

I really no there most be after effect.I love how you expose it.that is why the bible says expose the devil and he will flee away from you.thanks for your post.

Liked by 1 person

3 06 2015

my friend EXOTICSEXXY did it from 2009 to 2011…..she is poor….no money…no property in RSA… does not pay. All she has are memories of men masterbating and scares of piercings.


3 06 2015

Yes, I have heard it said that women who act porn are often poor and diseased. Wonder why people watch porn, watch diseased people acting like animals


28 05 2015

i love porn soo much cos no lady wants to be with me.i watch to satisfy my self.i want to stop but its difficult.


28 05 2015

Hi, Emmanuel. As long as you indulge in porn you will not have any love for real women since your fantasies are based on fictional women on the screen. if you want to understand what is happening to you, please click here~


15 05 2015

Woou! I love this


25 03 2015
munashe ray

God is the best and lets keep on praying fasting and Leave all bad scenes behind


30 10 2019
Michael Meja

Wow great confession out here. Personally am addicted to porn. The abusive ones …I can’t even ejaculate in a normal sex without playing some abusive anal sex to my partner. I think am leading a a wrong life.


30 10 2019

Thanks for sharing your story with us, Michael Meja, porn addiction is a global epidemic ruining lives, marriages and mental health. It’s linked to depression and other harmful symptoms, the worst of which is suicide. As always, the first step to victory is admission and since you are there already, you are firmly on your way. Please read the self help materials available on this site for more information on how to deal with it. Thanks and God bless you


1 02 2015

Hi Ivan, thank you for writing in. Yes, we are here to help you overcome porn addiction. You could start by reading the Porn Circuit. Just click on this link >


1 02 2015

plz help me get out of the this addictive watching of porn materials


28 01 2015

Thank God u are now safe and alive.may u live long to see de days the lord Almighty has give u.


13 01 2015

It is not my first time to go to see this site, i am visiting
this website dailly and take pleasant information from here all the


8 01 2015

” I know that men want what women want too, not sex but love. We all want love. We all have a void to fill but some people try to do that with porn”

exactly. Thank you for that quote. It is the definite truth.


4 01 2015
Yogesh Rathore

Thanks jenny thank u so much … God always with you.
It really inspired me. And i promise to myself i will never watch porn again. Thanks again.. You are an angel.


5 01 2015

Jenny sends her thank Yogesh, your comments makes the effort to put up this article worth the wihile. Thanks again, may many people trapped in porn, hear you and do as you have done.


30 12 2014
26 12 2014

I hate porno.Jesus save me.!!!!!!


25 12 2014
macdonald chisambi

I too have being a victim of watching porn and I must confess it has destroyed my spirituality,affection,self esteem, and it brings the spirit of suicide. I live in consistent fear as I battle to sort out of my life .


25 12 2014

Hi Macdonal Chisambi, thanks for sharing your story with us. The first step to getting out of any dreadful addiction is to admit that you have a problem. So congratulations, for your are already on your way to victory. The next thing you have to do is to “shift delete all porn movies and site in your devices. After that pray and God will help you. Cheers


27 12 2014

Her focus was mostly on the men, but there are women and girls out there who don’t do porn but are addicted to it. I say so cos am one. I hate myself each time so I went online to see if these girls enjoy what they do and why they do it and I chanced on here. Some of them are soo beautiful that I envy their beauty but then I think to myself why have such beauty and ABUSE it this way. We all need help, I was addicted to porn before I became born again, I went to it again few months ago because I have been praying for a life partner and I felt God was not listening to my prayers not to talk of answering it. I dare to say but I was (or maybe still) angry at God. But I don’t want to loose my faith because honestly, it’s all Ive got. I pray thr lord finds a way to bring me back and shows me He still loves me cos I think ALL HOPE IS ABOUT TO BE LOST AT THIS POINT.


28 12 2014

Hi, Faithful, your relationship with God is the foundation and the source of all the other good things of your life. When you are trying to come out of Porn, you are not denying yourself of something good but something evil. And yes, you are saying yes to something good, and much better. When your at peace with yourself and with God, it will be easier for you to have normal and fulfilling relation with men with whom you can fall in love and get married . Keep praying and I will pray for you too.


3 05 2016
desmond louis

My name s Louis am 18 am still a virgin like wholely I avnt kissed any girl n i av dis aspiration on sex after marriage n sometimes d urge is irresistable but thanks 2 God I’ve been holding on tho wen I saw ur blog Mrs jenny bliv me I was inspired uve given me more faith n Thanks


28 10 2014

Thank you very much dear, May the good God help you and your new family.


4 10 2014

That’s absolutely true. Many of those girls came from poor families with abuse history, rapes, neglects etc. Pornography is a trick that makes you think that you are somewhat bigger and better than a street hooker. You think you are a movie star, like a celebrity, like other Hollywood stars. They make you think like that, just to manipulate you and boost your self-esteem.

Liked by 1 person

6 09 2014
John VanBrunt

Well spoken. Jenny truly is a friend of God, i commend her courage, her repentance speaks volume. Jenny is a true inspiration to all young people blinded in darkness, we are all born in this world of sin. and i would like to remind those in the darkness, if you have temptation to see this child of God when she was in darkness, i would like to advise you, it would be a abomination sin. as jenny is now walking with Christ in Gods loving light. i must confess, i have been watching porn,but after reading her testimonial words, it has brought me to the realization truth. please pray that never watch any porn again. her testament is Gods will.on the other hand i will also proudly tell this world in Jesus name, i have been married 21 years. as Jesus says, i may have committed adultery… in my mind,i may have, but i have never be-trade Gods Holly matrimony to my wonderful wife.


1 09 2014

I read this article completely about the difference of
most up-to-date and earlier technologies, it’s
remarkable article.


5 07 2014
Micheal oje

Jenni tnks 4 d information it rili touched me nd haz taught me a gr8 lesson. Nw i know d reason y God hates it.. Tnks once more may God continualy guide nd uplift u… AMEN


18 06 2014

thank u . u r doing a geat job . keep moving


15 06 2014
Daniel Elorm

May God bless u so much for this eye opening message. I will join forces with u to fight this canker evading the youth.


15 06 2014

Thanks, Daniel Elorm, yes all hands are needed on deck to rid the world of this vile. May God bless you tooo


7 02 2014

Thanks so much for this effort! I wish everyone will read this. May God bless you and provide all your needs in Jesus’ name. Amen.


31 01 2014
Bangs Abraham

Thanks for post it really inspires me alot


31 01 2014

You are welcome Bangs Abraham, I am glad you find it helpful.


20 01 2014

thanks a lot . thank you tooooooooo much


21 01 2014

You are welcome, glad you liked it.


11 01 2014



11 01 2014



4 01 2014

I appreciate that many women in porn feel like these two, but that doesn’t mean that you can generalize all women in porn. I really resent the assumption that any woman who says they work in porn to live out their fantasies are lying to themselves. Who are you to judge how other people feel, projecting your own experiences onto them?!
I do porn, even though I wasn’t abandoned by my dad or sexually abused as a child. And I’m in a committed, respectful, loving relationship; I only do porn with my SO. And yes, we do porn to explore and live out sexual fantasies. Doing porn has enriched my life, I am more confident and liberated, I have a wider perspective on things and I’m less judgemental. I am fully aware that I may not represent the majority of women in porn, but I get tired of reading just about the negative side of porn, with people denying a positive side could possibly exist.


5 01 2014

Ucw, what can I say, you have let the cat out of the bag yourself. By not using your real name in making this post, you have said it all. You are ashamed of what you are period. Typical.


15 12 2013

Sorry, but from a my point of view. Porn would not be needed if more men/women performed their duties! The reason we like porn is because it real and sad to say, we see men/women getting better treatment in the ” sex dept” on film than majority of couples at home. Watching porn is a great way to learn new things and learn to explore in and outside the bedroom. Too many people are saying what they won’t do for their lifetime mate which leads to porn and cheating eventually.


24 03 2014



14 11 2013
William Whitehouse

My girl friend and I only have sex two days a week. It realy sucks because when we finaly have sex I git all fired up and want more. I find myself looking at porn to satisfy my want for sex. I would rather be looking at pictures of her or even be with her fisicly. She gits realy mad at me for looking at porn and even beleves its a forme of cheating. Say what??? Im horny, want to share my self with the person I love but it only happins when she feels she has time for me. My heart hurts and my want for sex is pissing me off. Maybe im better off with out it? Thanks for takeing the time to read this.


24 03 2014

Consider yourself fortunate because mine hasn’t had sex with me in over five years and I’m drop dead gorgeous plus I treat her like an angel. Some women are just totally weird and don’t realize it till it’s too late.


4 11 2013

I thank you for a well written article on this subject and know that the power of God is what will sustain you and keep you from this terrible lifestyle. I agree on the damaging effects viewing porn can have on a mind as I have suffered from depression and anxiety for many years and never really understood why and that viewing porn can change brain chemistry. I hope this message gets out to those who need to see it.


25 08 2013
Joseph Caleb Musa

God, your help I need daily to escape


14 08 2013
Joe Louis

To much of anything can destroy a person in some way watching the news all day will make any person depressed moderation is the key.


14 08 2013

Joe Louis but experts say Porn is like crack cocaine, releases dopamine on the central nervous system in brain; that’s how people get addicted. It’s addictive so it is not a matter of moderation, once you are hooked, you are hooked. Expert say best way not to get hooked on coke is not to take any, best way not to get hooked on porn is not to watch it at all. Again, like the lady is saying in the article, porn is like treating women like objects of pleasure, like things, not very dignified. Lastly, how come any one that enjoys watching porn would not have their sisters or mother do porn for others to watch?


14 08 2013
Joe Louis

I agree wholeheartedly was not aware of that type of damaging effect I guess I have been spoiled because I have always enjoyed the pleasure of a woman’s beauty beside me one way or another.

Therefore, watching porn from the example above never was me, I thank you for your enlightenment and will share:) 


12 06 2014

Moderation is the key, hmmm? So, I guess viewing girls getting paid to be raped on camera is okay ” in moderation.” Typical. This is exactly what I mean about guys not caring about what girls like me and Jenni went through physically and emotionally every single day of our lives in the porn business, and the rape-for pay escort business. Men are the ones who financially support the sex trade, and its a billion dollar business. If they quit paying to watch women and girls be abused and traumatized for pay, then the entire industry would disappear…


12 06 2014

How right you are Amanda, if everyone shun porn the pimps will go broke. That is a very good way to destroy porn


12 08 2013

I loved how Jennie is gracious in her last paragraph to men. This post rings of her forgiveness of others and clearly, as she says alludes to in later third of her interview, Jesus’ enormous, all-encompassing love is transformative.


12 08 2013

Yes MrBonchapeau, Jennie was saved from this hideous business only through the strong hands of God’s beneficent love for her. I think she is living proof of the love of God for all, even the most reprobate sinner, and she is also a proof that no condition is hopeless. Thanks for your comments


12 06 2014

Hello and thank you, Jenni for sharing your experience in the life of a porn star. I, many moons ago worked as an escort, and did a soft core porn film. I was homeless after running away from home, and was very desperate to make money and stay off of the streets. My behavior was erratic, like yours, and I too, was a total mess. I used drugs to self medicate, and slept with an enormous amount of men (and a very few women) in my twisted “career.” I was raped in a whore house. Luckily, I had the strength to report those bastards, and went to the hospital. The male clients I came across gave me a real reality check. I delved into a life that I never knew existed. I never knew the crazy, twisted fantasies that men enjoyed. This made me very, very angry. I was hooked on the money, and the things I could buy. I was going against what was right for me. Essentially, I was selling my soul. I went to a good psychiatrist at age 24, and found out I was bipolar, had borderline personality disorder, and was manic depressive! I kicked the drugs, and took the meds that were prescribed for me. I still do to this day, and am living a sane, healthy life. I never looked back after quitting the business. I heard stories about girls getting kidnapped, raped, thrown out of apartments naked, and girls that were…murdered. I knew I had been blessed enough to make it out alive! I found Jesus when I was 26. I accepted him as my saviour, and am very spiritual to this day. What hurts me the most is that men do not care about all of the pain and agony we go through. All they care about is their precious orgasms. I am a proud lesbian now..I always fancied myself to be bisexual, but I am living a life that is true to myself now. I’m never looking back. Jesus loves and accepts me in every way, and I love him for that. I’m glad you are living an authentic life now, Jenni. God bless you in every way!


12 06 2014

Hello, Amanda, I thank you for sharing your story with us. May God Bless you. You and many others who have had such sad experience and yet remain strong are the hope of many people who are scarred, scared and stripped, not knowing where to or to whom to turn turn to. May God help us all to beat this terrible blight called porn.


22 08 2014

As you are well aware there are bad twisted men out there. Thankfully God through the Holy spirit can make men godly. You accept Jesus as your saviour and that is good. However the bible condemns homosexuality in the strongest terms. I hope that Jesus leads you out of lesbianism. Hopefully Jesus will lead you to a real man and not the rabble that you were subjected too.


31 05 2015
tim harrell

amanda i am so sorry honnie your story really got to me untill i read the part about you living the life of a proud lezbian what you did was trade one of the devils lyes for another——read romans1;24–27 but i will pray for you


16 11 2015
Gary Bregel

I don’t agree with one thing you said, about being a lesbian. It’s the same as being gay (men sleeping with men) It’s against Gods teachings and you slap him in the face every time you get up in the morning and live that life style. Shame on you. I’m a 59 year old man that could not find a woman. And to have beautiful women giving there body’s to other woman makes me sick to stomach. No wonder men turn to porn, they are there looking at what they are missing out on. I am glad you got out before anything real bad happen to you, you are one of the lucky ones. I would ask that you rethink the lesbian thing. Thanks, Gary Bregel Willmar, Minnesota 56201 No I’m not afraid to give you my name. (


16 11 2015

Thanks for being an honest strong man Gary Bregel. I am 60, and don’t want to marry again if not I would have love to marry you, but I am too old and wrinkled, but I know you will find a good woman. Yes, lesbians are sick people who need help, they are hurting people, who have suffered abuses in the past. I love you Amanda, and God loves you more. He is love love. Don’t throw his love away for some petty gratuitous lesbian lie. Give it up, stay close to Christ and you will have love forever

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5 07 2013

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Interview with an Ex-Porn star


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